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Our Code of Conduct, our identity as professionals

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Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct, our identity as professionals

At Sando, we have a Code of Conduct that establishes the basic principles to which the companies that make up the company and all its professionals must adhere.

The Code of Conduct precepts align with our Vision, Mission, and Values, guiding the company and all the people who make up Sando to act correctly as part of the corporate culture and reducing ambiguity in the possible appearance of ethical dilemmas.

This code is also binding on contractors and any natural or legal person who has a contract with the company or is involved in any contract opened by Sando.

Our Code of Conduct sets out the business and professional behaviour of organisations and individuals in several basic principles:

To carry out our business activities and professions under the laws in force in each place where we carry out our activities.

Respect for legality

We base our business activities and those of our employees on the value of integrity, which shall be conducted in a manner that avoids all forms of corruption and respects the particular circumstances and needs of all parties involved The professional work of Sando’s staff is carried out with objectivity and in an ethical, loyal, honest and bona fide manner.

Ethical integrity

All actions of Sando and its employees shall scrupulously respect the general rules of education and good conduct that are so important for the company’s good image.

Relational integrity

Honesty Business and professional activities at Sando will be conducted with an absolute rejection of corruption in all its forms, public and private, active and passive.


To promptly facilitate access to relevant, truthful, clear and complete information on Sando’s activities, policies and management, to foster relationships based on trust and good faith.


Always act respectfully and follow safety measures and regulations, maintaining the highest commitment to protecting all professionals we interact with, both Sando personnel and those of auxiliary companies, suppliers, distributors, customers and other collaborators.


To promote the continuity of Sando’s activity over time, strengthen our commitment to protecting the environment and well-being of society, and maintain relationships with our stakeholders based on ethics and transparency.


Promote the development and retention of talent and knowledge, seeking excellence, acting efficiently and reliably in operations, complying with regulations and establishing effective measures to prevent possible irregular conduct that may occur.

Continuous improvement

Work as a team, always seeking Sando’s global interest through cooperation between areas and in collaboration with customers and suppliers, maintaining a positive attitude towards the rest of society.


Code of conduct

transporte de viajeros alta velocidad levante

Complaints channel

Here you can report any action or omission that could be a violation of the regulations applicable to the organization.

Sando News

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, presidente ejecutivo de Sando, presenta en la sede de CEOE el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, presidente ejecutivo de Sando, presenta en la sede de CEOE el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro

El Cabildo de La Gomera ha aprobado la renovación de la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento y conservación de carreteras que lleva a cabo Conacon Sando en la isla. Una prórroga que permitirá la continuidad del servicio hasta 2026 con una inversión de 4,4 millones de euros, como ha anunciado el propio Cabildo.

Conacon Sando renews the road maintenance service in La Gomera until 2026

La Dirección General de política Forestal y Biodiversidad de la Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul ha adjudicado a Althenia Sando un nuevo contrato por el que llevará a cabo tratamientos selvícolas preventivos y de mejora en los montes del Espacio Natural de Sierra Nevada, en Granada.

Althenia Sando will carry out preventive forestry treatments in the Sierra Nevada

Conacon Sando construirá, en UTEm una gasinera para el Consorcio para la gestión de los Residuos Sólidos de Asturias (COGERSA) en Asturias.

Conacon Sando to build a gas plant for COGERSA in Asturias

El Ayuntamiento de Bormujos ha encargado a Conacon Sando los trabajos de reparación y mejora de la accesibilidad en zonas de acerado y diferentes infraestructuras del espacio público del término municipal de Bormujos, Sevilla. 

Conacon Sando will improve the accessibility of the Bormujos road system

Sando Construcción está acometiendo las obras de reforma integral de dos edificios en el centro de Jerez de la Frontera para transformarlos en un hotel de cuatro estrellas. Un proyecto de la Fundación Cajasol que se ubica entre la plaza del Arenal y calle Lancería y en calle Larga 54.

Sando Construcción to build a new four-star hotel in the centre of Jerez de la Frontera

El Caminito del Rey se ha situado a la vanguardia internacional en la investigación y gestión de la seguridad en turismo activo gracias a un estudio desarrollado por las universidades de Granada y Jaén y el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España-CSIC. Este proyecto sitúa al Caminito del Rey en el más alto nivel de investigación sobre desprendimientos de rocas en el ámbito internacional.

El Caminito del Rey publishes a pioneering international study on rockfalls


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Code of Conduct

Fundación Sando


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