Get to know us

We work with great effort and enthusiasm to achieve our mission and business-social objectives

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Mission, vision and values

50 years dedicated to excellence

Our corporate values reflect our commitment and success.

Quality, sustainability, union, equality, prevention, and a spirit of commitment are some values that have identified us over the last 50 years. We remain a benchmark construction and services company in the Spanish sector.

Every day, we work with great effort and enthusiasm to achieve our mission and business-social objectives, creating tremendous positive impact and value for the company, our customers, the environment and ultimately, our ever-changing society. Sando is present in this constant and accelerated transformation in which we live, able to respond to the needs of people and companies. Sando is present in this constant and accelerated transformation that we are living, being able to respond to the needs of people and companies.


To be sustainable, innovative and approachable.

Our primary mission is to develop our construction and services activities sustainably over the long term, ensuring the quality of our services, the contribution of value to our shareholders and clients, the stability of our business and the excellence of our relationship with our clients and suppliers.

We are committed to innovation in the construction and conservation sector, participating in its steady progress and transformation, and engaging ourselves with the environment, people, society and the professional development of our workers.

We have based our corporate culture on professionalism, proximity and transparency, allowing us to stand out from our competitors and build trusting and successful relationships with all our clients.


A benchmark

To be an infrastructure and services group of national reference, recognised for our solvency, professionalism and commitment to our team and clients.


The strength of a group.

Since its foundation, Sando has built its development on the principles of ethics and professionalism, sharing them with all the people who have formed part of its organisation throughout its history.

Sando bases its management on values such as the spirit of sacrifice, respect, tolerance, prevention and safety, sustainability, quality, honesty, loyalty, equality, humility, solidarity, the fulfilment of commitments, the desire to improve and teamwork.

Sando News

vEsta semana Sando Construcción ha iniciado las obras del carril BUS-VAO de acceso a Málaga por la autovía del Guadalhorce (A-357). Un proyecto de la Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía con una inversión de 8,5 millones de euros.

Sando Construcción begins work on the construction of the BUS-VAO access lane to Malaga on the Guadalhorce motorway

La Fundación Sando ha renovado su compromiso con la lucha canaria, uno de los deportes más representativos de las Islas Canarias al brindar su apoyo un año más al Club Deportivo de Lucha Los Campitos durante esta temporada.

The Sando Foundation reaffirms its support for the Los Campitos Wrestling Club in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Habrá salita vip previa desde las 08.40h. en el Ayuntamiento para autoridades y vuestro Presidente.

Sando Materiales puts into operation a more efficient and sustainable mobile aggregate crushing and classification plant

Sando obsequia a la ciudad de Sevilla con motivo de su 50 Aniversario una escultura del Marqués de la Vega Inclán

Sando presents the city of Seville with a sculpture of the Marquis de la Vega-Inclán to celebrate its 50th Anniversary

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en el Teatro Echegaray de Málaga el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro. Un proyecto editorial editado con motivo del 50 Aniversario de la creación de la empresa. El acto ha contado con concierto benéfico a cargo de la Wind Symphony Orchestra de El CAMM, organizado por Fundación Sando y el Ayuntamiento de Málaga.

“Sando’s works are part of the past, the present and the future. We are all proud of them”, Carolina España Reina, Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds of the Andalusian Regional Government

El Club de Tenis de Mesa Fundación Sando NovaCártama presenta su equipo de Primera División Femenina

The NovaCártama Sando Foundation Table Tennis Club presents its Women’s First Division team

Conacon Sando ha comenzado un nuevo proyecto destinado al mantenimiento y conservación de viales y explanadas en los puertos gestionados por la Autoridad Portuaria de la Bahía de Algeciras

Conacon Sando is responsible for the upkeep of roads and esplanades in the ports of the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras

l presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA) el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro,

“Sando is a family company that creates jobs and provides innovation and environmental values”, Antonio Sanz, Regional Minister of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification of the Andalusian Regional Government


More about us

Premios y reconocimientos sando

Prizes and awards

Code of Conduct

Fundación Sando


Historia Sando Edificio


Mission, vision and values