deporte femenino

Conacon Sando renews support for the Santa Cruz Cuesta Piedra women’s volleyball team


Conacon Sando has ratified yet another season of commitment to women’s sport through the Cuesta Piedra Volleyball Club, which participates in the Superliga Femenina 2 of the Real Federación Española de Volleyball with its main team, Santa Cruz Cuesta Piedra.

The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Cuesta Piedra Volleyball Club, which will celebrate its 40th anniversary next season, has traditionally been characterised by its ongoing social work, avoiding exclusion and relying on the values of honesty, companionship, loyalty and integrity.

Currently, the Club has around 300 players in the categories of U9, U11, U13, U15, U18 and women’s junior category, with several teams in almost all of them, as well as the Primera Nacional and its main team in the Superliga Femenina 2.

This season, the Superliga Femenina 2 team has started with good results, being placed since the beginning of the league and so far in the first position in the competition table.

Grassroots sport

The Cuesta Piedra Volleyball Club has an incipient quarry formed by players of different categories. The basic teams of the so-called Chafiras Santa Cruz Cuesta Piedra have started the season with the aim of surpassing last year’s results and consolidating themselves as one of the volleyball referents in the Canary Islands.

Conacon Sando thus strengthens the corporate group’s commitment to sports and social projects in accordance with its ESG strategy and with the aim of building a fairer and more sustainable future. In addition, this initiative joins other projects of the company to strengthen female talent and sport.

La actualidad de Sando

Don’t miss anything.

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Althenia Sando receives the Order of Merit of the Local Police Force of Vélez Málaga in the category of Public Commendation

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Sando Construcción inicia las obras del Desfiladero del Tajo de Ronda aplicando la experiencia en construcción vertical del Caminito del Rey

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Althenia Sando will improve the habitats of the Sierra de las Nieves National and Natural Park, the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park and the Los Alcornocales Natural Park

vEsta semana Sando Construcción ha iniciado las obras del carril BUS-VAO de acceso a Málaga por la autovía del Guadalhorce (A-357). Un proyecto de la Consejería de Fomento, Articulación del Territorio y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía con una inversión de 8,5 millones de euros.

Sando Construcción begins work on the construction of the BUS-VAO access lane to Malaga on the Guadalhorce motorway

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The Sando Foundation reaffirms its support for the Los Campitos Wrestling Club in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Habrá salita vip previa desde las 08.40h. en el Ayuntamiento para autoridades y vuestro Presidente.

Sando Materiales puts into operation a more efficient and sustainable mobile aggregate crushing and classification plant

Sando obsequia a la ciudad de Sevilla con motivo de su 50 Aniversario una escultura del Marqués de la Vega Inclán

Sando presents the city of Seville with a sculpture of the Marquis de la Vega-Inclán to celebrate its 50th Anniversary

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en el Teatro Echegaray de Málaga el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro. Un proyecto editorial editado con motivo del 50 Aniversario de la creación de la empresa. El acto ha contado con concierto benéfico a cargo de la Wind Symphony Orchestra de El CAMM, organizado por Fundación Sando y el Ayuntamiento de Málaga.

“Sando’s works are part of the past, the present and the future. We are all proud of them”, Carolina España Reina, Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds of the Andalusian Regional Government