The foundation has organised a collection campaign together with the Sando Group’s suppliers and employees.
The Sando Fundación has donated 4445 kilos of food to Bancosol, the Costa del Sol Food Bank. The food has been collected in the organisation’s solidary campaign “Dona alimentos, dona esperanza” .
The food collected during December is added to the overall amount delivered in 2020, 19,945 kilos. This way, the Sando Fundación and its affiliates have collaborated with the organisations at the forefront of fighting the pandemic’s repercussions, such as Caritas, the Food Bank, the Red Cross, Cudeca and HambreCero, among others.
Every Christmas, the Sando Fundación organises an in-house collection campaign for the Food Banks with its more than three thousand employees. The Sando Fundación makes a financial contribution equivalent to the same number of kilos collected.
This year the COVID-19 coronavirus has increased the number of families living below the poverty line or at risk of exclusion, so the Sando Fundación has organised a special campaign called “Dona alimentos, dona esperanza”. This initiative has encouraged the Sando Group’s suppliers and collaborators to participate and donate to the Food Bank.
Caritas Donation
Sando’s Infrastructure Conservation and Maintenance area and the Marbella Road Maintenance service have donated 1000 kilos of food to Caritas in the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación.
This summer, the Marbella Road Maintenance Service organised a food collection campaign that collected 3000 kilos, also donated to Caritas.