La Fundación Sando ha renovado su colaboración con la Agencia EFE para el desarrollo de dos becas en responsabilidad social.

Sando Fundación and EFE Agency renew their alliance for practical training in social responsability

Sando Fundación has renewed its collaboration with the EFE Agency to develop a programme of two practical training scholarships for university students on social responsibility. Within the framework of this programme, the foundation will participate in the mentoring process of the students.

The programme aims to provide practical training in journalism and specialises students in corporate social responsibility. The internships will be carried out in the Seville and Malaga newsrooms of the EFE news agency, where they will receive comprehensive training in news writing techniques, relations with information sources, and general training for attending news conferences, as well as analysis of content and points of news interest.

Students can learn the criteria for disseminating information through multiple communication media, such as mobile telephony, integrated multimedia services and the Internet environment, and in any format.

 Sando Fundación committed to the dissemination of sustainability

With this Programme, the EFE Agency and the Sando Fundación renew their commitment to disseminating information on corporate social responsibility in Andalusia, added to continuing with practical training, promoting joint educational actions aimed at training the best professionals for the next generations.

The Sando Fundación seeks to support initiatives that promote sustainability in its social and environmental aspects. In this way, it contributes to the training of tomorrow’s professionals, who will cover and highlight the actions carried out by institutions, social organisations and companies to benefit society and the planet we all share.

This project is carried out by the EFE Agency within its School of Journalism, through which it promotes and develops training programmes aimed at university students in journalism and communication, aimed at completing their training and facilitating their incorporation into the job market.

La actualidad de Sando

Don’t miss anything.

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, presidente ejecutivo de Sando, presenta en la sede de CEOE el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro

El Ayuntamiento de Jaén ha adjudicado a Conacon Sando los servicios de mantenimiento y conservación de la red viaria de su municipio.

Conacon Sando to provide road maintenance services in Jaén

Althenia Sando participa en la Semana del Medioambiente junto con el Ayuntamiento de Leganés mediante un stand informativo.

Althenia Sando commemorates Environment Week with the distribution of pencils recycled as plants

La Fundación Sando colabora en el Torneo Futbol 7 solidario que organiza el Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga y el IBIMA.

The Sando Fundación supports the IBIMA 7-a-side Football Tournament

La SIEPSE ha adjudicado a Sando Construcción el proyecto de la nueva comisaría del Puerto de Santa María en Cádiz.

Sando Construcción to build the new police station in Puerto de Santa María

Conacon Sando ejecuta la primera calle 100% sostenible de las Islas Canarias, bajo encargo del Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

A 100% sustainable street, Conacon Sando’s new project in Tenerife

La Junta de Andalucía le ha otorgado a José Luis Sánchez Domínguez, fundador de Sando, la Medalla de Andalucía de la Economía y la Empresa.

Sando Construcción connects the river Iro with the historic centre of Chiclana

Sando Construcción realizará el proyecto de ampliación del Centro Arrupe para la Compañía de Jesús en Sevilla.

Sando Construcción to take charge of the extension of the Arrupe Centre in Seville.