Journalism students will specialise in CSR for six months at the EFE Agency in Seville
The Sando Fundación and the EFE Foundation have reached an agreement to raise awareness of CSR actions and policies in Andalucia. The agreement will provide Journalism students with a six-month internship at the EFE Agency in Seville.
Both Foundations share an interest in the training of journalists in Andalucia, providing two years of experience in the area of CSR. The goal of the initiative is to promote the reporting of CSR activities by regional public and private organisations within the Community, throughout Spain and abroad.
The aims of the internship program are threefold. Firstly, to provide learning and training opportunities to Journalism students, offering the possibility of specialising in CSR. Secondly, the program will facilitate the entry of beneficiaries into the job market; and finally, it will enhance the reporting and raise awareness of corporate actions in social responsibility in Andalucia.
The internship program will be created in conjunction with the University of Seville and will be open to students in the final year of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication. Interns will be selected by a mixed commission formed by the EFE Foundation, the Sando Fundación and the EFE Agency in Seville.
The Sando Fundación is a non-profit organisation which integrates and coordinates the corporate social responsibility policies of the Sando Group. Since its creation in 2006, the Foundation has centred its efforts on sustainable development through actions focussed on a range of issues, including workplace risk prevention, environmental responsibility, social integration of the handicapped and cultural events and activities.