Día Internacional de la Mujer en Sando

International Women’s Day at Sando

The 8th March is International Women’s Day, officially declared by the UN in 1975, to demand effective equality of rights for women.

How are we contributing to equality at Sando?

One of Sando’s commitments is to continue to strengthen the presence and opportunities for women in the sector, assuming their role in the great challenge of equality.

At Sando, we make communication with the workforce more accessible, improving their knowledge of equal opportunities. We have created and disseminated internal protocols, such as gender-based violence and sexual violence, and training pills are being prepared to raise real awareness of equal opportunities.

In recent years, we have implemented action plans within the framework of the equality plan, attracting female talent and promoting women in the sector to gain access to all positions.

In this sense, we are updating the selection and training processes to make progress in controlling gender balance indices in sectors where women are under-represented, such as construction, gardening and Waste In addition, we advocate the search for specialised profiles in jobs traditionally occupied by men, such as crane operators.

Communication and outreach

Likewise, one of Sando’s commitments is to make visible the institutional communication actions carried out in collaboration with other organisations, such as those we have developed during 2023:

  • Presentation at the Round Table of Women Civil Engineers and, the Andalusian Institute for Women and the College of Engineers of Andalusia on International Women’s Day.
  • Participated in the Technical Guidance Conference on OHS on “Promoting gender mainstreaming” with Mutua Universal.
  • Awareness-raising campaigns, such as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, with the organisation of interviews and information pills with advice from #WomenSTEM in professionals from SANDO, aimed at girls so that they have female role models.
  • Support for the candidacy of the president of ANCI, Cocha Santos (National Association of Independent Construction Companies), to be a candidate for the Top 100 Women Leaders to make female talent in the construction sector more visible.

In this sense, the Sando Fundación is the backbone of Sando’s value creation to address social challenges such as gender equality. This commitment supports educational, cultural or sporting initiatives with a gender focus. These initiatives include the following:

  • Recruitment of a researcher to complete her thesis, supporting her in obtaining the Industrial Mention of the programme from Sando Agua. This action is part of the agreement with the University of Malaga (UMA) to support the Doctoral School Industrial Thesis programme.

In line with its Sustainability strategy, the Sando Fundación has been a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact for more than 15 years, a commitment to comply with its Ten Principles and contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These Ten Principles include the abolition of discriminatory practices, the support and respect for human rights, a framework for action for equality directly relevant to the contribution to SDG 5, “Gender Equality”.

La actualidad de Sando

Don’t miss anything.

El Cabildo de La Gomera ha aprobado la renovación de la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento y conservación de carreteras que lleva a cabo Conacon Sando en la isla. Una prórroga que permitirá la continuidad del servicio hasta 2026 con una inversión de 4,4 millones de euros, como ha anunciado el propio Cabildo.

Conacon Sando renews the road maintenance service in La Gomera until 2026

La Dirección General de política Forestal y Biodiversidad de la Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul ha adjudicado a Althenia Sando un nuevo contrato por el que llevará a cabo tratamientos selvícolas preventivos y de mejora en los montes del Espacio Natural de Sierra Nevada, en Granada.

Althenia Sando will carry out preventive forestry treatments in the Sierra Nevada

Conacon Sando construirá, en UTEm una gasinera para el Consorcio para la gestión de los Residuos Sólidos de Asturias (COGERSA) en Asturias.

Conacon Sando to build a gas plant for COGERSA in Asturias

El Ayuntamiento de Bormujos ha encargado a Conacon Sando los trabajos de reparación y mejora de la accesibilidad en zonas de acerado y diferentes infraestructuras del espacio público del término municipal de Bormujos, Sevilla. 

Conacon Sando will improve the accessibility of the Bormujos road system

Sando Construcción está acometiendo las obras de reforma integral de dos edificios en el centro de Jerez de la Frontera para transformarlos en un hotel de cuatro estrellas. Un proyecto de la Fundación Cajasol que se ubica entre la plaza del Arenal y calle Lancería y en calle Larga 54.

Sando Construcción to build a new four-star hotel in the centre of Jerez de la Frontera

El Caminito del Rey se ha situado a la vanguardia internacional en la investigación y gestión de la seguridad en turismo activo gracias a un estudio desarrollado por las universidades de Granada y Jaén y el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España-CSIC. Este proyecto sitúa al Caminito del Rey en el más alto nivel de investigación sobre desprendimientos de rocas en el ámbito internacional.

El Caminito del Rey publishes a pioneering international study on rockfalls

Sando Construcción entra en el Ranking de Empresas por la Igualdad en el número 29, la única constructora del país

Sando Construcción enters the Corporate Equality Index at number 29, the only construction company in the country

El Ayuntamiento de Jaén ha adjudicado a Conacon Sando los servicios de mantenimiento y conservación de la red viaria de su municipio.

Conacon Sando to provide road maintenance services in Jaén