The event included speeches from Antonio Pascual, president of the Academy, Santiago Herrero, president of the CEA and Adelaida de la Calle, Rector of the University of Malaga
The Academy of Social Sciences and the Environment of Andalucia welcomed José Luis Sánchez Domínguez, president and founder of the Sando Group, in an event which took place this morning in the Rectory of the University of Malaga.
The presidential table for the event was formed by Antonio Pascual Acosta, President of the Academy of Social Sciences and the Environment of Andalucia, who presented a medal to the new member; Santiago Herrero, President of the Business Confederation of Andalucia and secretary chancellor of the Academy, who spoke in name of the corporation and finally, Adelaida de la Calle, Rector of the University of Malaga, who gave the closing remarks for the event. Furthermore, numerous figures from the academic, political and business worlds were on hand for the ceremony, including Rosa Torres, Councillor for Culture of the Government of Andalucia and Francisco de la Torre, Mayor of Malaga.
During his acceptance speech, entitled “Enterprise and the Entrepreneur, XXI Century”, José Luis Sánchez Domínguez described himself as “a businessman in love with his profession”, remarking that “to be an entrepreneur, one must have a vocation for service”.
The president of Sando highlighted the value of company “innovation and regeneration” in the creation of wealth, particularly in difficult economic times such as the present. He also called for greater social involvement: “It is not enough that a company creates value for its shareholders, it must also do so for society as a whole”.
Finally, the president contended that economic recovery must be based on the normalisation of the financial sector, the recovery of ethical and moral principles and collective effort among social agents with the active support of business: “We must have faith and confidence in the business community and in Spanish business”.
Mr. José Luis Sánchez Domínguez began his long business career over thirty years ago in Malaga, where he founded Construcciones Sánchez Domínguez, a small company which , thanks to his efforts and dedication, has grown into one of the leading multinationals within the Spanish construction industry.
The president of the Academy, Antonio Pascual, looks forward to the participation of the new member of the Academy, providing refection, ideas, proposals and solutions to the complex problems facing contemporary society, based on the achievements, experience and knowledge of José Luis Sánchez Domínguez, whom the president called “a wise and judicious man”.
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