Sando has joined the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture Association (MWCC). This Association promotes these sectors both in the capital city and throughout Spain, consolidating the international leadership of Spanish companies and making Madrid and Spain visible as a world reference centre in the industry.
Sando joins this initiative to support with its experience and technical capacity the consolidation of the Madrid World Capital of Construction, Engineering and Architecture project on a national and international level.
David García Núñez, president of MWCC, sees Sando’s membership of MWCC as very positive: “it completes the core of leading construction companies in our country and enhances, even more, if possible, the strength of the association as the backbone of the infrastructure ecosystem that it houses”.
The Association’s collaborators and associates include leading technology companies, energy companies, construction companies, consultants, universities, public companies and national, regional and local authorities, thus constituting a true example of public-private collaboration.
Bet on MWCC
SANDO is a sustainable multinational with over 45 years of experience. It is mainly engaged in the construction of infrastructures and the management and operation of urban services. An international company with a strong presence in Madrid and Spain can carry out any project, providing innovative solutions with quality and commitment.
The Madrid World Capital of Engineering, Construction and Architecture Association is a project promoted by Madrid City Council in 2016. The Association is the sum of important companies and entities from Madrid and the rest of Spain that have joined forces to work towards the international positioning of the capital and our country as a world reference in three main areas: engineering, construction and architecture; the educational leadership of Madrid and Spanish Universities and Business Schools; and the positioning of Madrid and Spain as an innovation, Sustainability and responsibility hub.