
Rehabilitación del firme de la carretera de interés TF-1 Tenerife
Asphalting and pavement maintenance

Rehabilitation of the road surface of the TF-1 road of interest

Refuerzo de firme de la carretera A-44
Asphalting and pavement maintenance

Road surface reinforcement on the A-44 road

Traffic and Urban Mobility

Improving accessibility to the Cubaba neighbourhood

Servicio de instalación de barreras de seguridad e implantación de protecciones para motoristas
intelligent systems and road safety

Installation of safety barriers and motorcyclist protection

Adecuación de los túneles de la Cerradura, Despeñaperros, Cantera, La Miel y Santa Lucía
Transport and mobility

Adequacy of the tunnels of La Cerradura, Despeñaperros, Cantera, La Miel and Santa Lucía

Terminales de transporte puente genil
Passenger transport

Transport terminals

transporte de viajeros alta velocidad levante
transport infrastructure

high speed

ferrocarril ave madrid valencia
transport infrastructure


transport infrastructure


transport infrastructure

Passenger transport

Asphalting and pavement maintenance

Asphalting and pavement maintenance

transport infrastructure

Signalling, beacons and defences

transport infrastructure

intelligent systems and traffic safety

transport infrastructure

tunnels and mobility structures

hospitality educativo universidad puerto de cadiz
Sustainable building

Hospitality and Educational

Infraestructuras del transporte tunel de posadoiro
transport infrastructure

Transport infrastructure

Remodelación del nuevo ramal de acceso desde TF-24, dirección La Laguna a TF-5, dirección Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Transport and mobility

Remodelling of the new access ramp from TF-24

Carretera sanlucar chipiona en obras sando

Laying of dual carriageway for access to Sanlúcar de Barrameda from Chipiona

Carreteras la gomera sando carretera tazo argumul sando

Construction of the accesses to Tazo and Argumul in La Gomera

Carreteras Conservación La Gomera sando

Road maintenance and conservation of the island roads of La Gomera

Conservación de la autopista A-4, tramo Puerto Lápice-Venta Cárdenas. Ciudad Real

Conservation of the A-4 motorway

Carreteras Conservacion de carreteras Tenerife Sur sando

Road maintenance in the South of Tenerife

Carreteras Conservacion de carreteras Granada Noroeste

Road maintenance in the north-eastern area of Granada

Carreteras Conservacion de carreteras Jaen Norte sando

Road maintenance in the North of Huelva