Sando has obtained ISO 50001 certification, which accredits its commitment to energy efficiency and environmental protection.

Sando certifies its commitment to energy efficiency with the ISO 50001 standard

A certification attesting to its sustainable energy performance and environmental commitment

Sando has been awarded the ISO 50001 certification, an accreditation that legitimises its specialisation in sustainable energy services and renews its commitment to environmental protection and the mitigation of the effects of climate change. To contribute to this purpose, the company integrates its management systems to maximise the energy efficiency of its operations, reduce environmental impact and contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy.

The AENOR, certification, under the UNE-ISO 50001:2018 standard, accredits the implementation of the energy and continuous improvement aspects in the controls and monitoring of Sando’’s Energy Management Systems.

In this way, the company fulfils one of its main objectives by integrating responsible energy management into its processes, starting with purchasing materials certified as 100% renewable and continuing with various energy-saving measures. In addition, this certification allows Sando to obtain greater transparency in reporting its energy performance, having implemented best practices to systematically optimise energy performance and promote more efficient management.

The effective integration of these management systems has enabled Sando to obtain ISO 50001 certification, which guarantees the energy efficiency of its offices, the management of wastewater treatment plants and Street cleaning services. Its companies Althenia Sando, Conacon Sando, and Sando Construcción obtained certification in Malaga, Madrid, Seville and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

In short, implementing this standard allows Sando to achieve an optimal level of energy consumption by strengthening responsible management in line with the culture and strategic objectives of the organisation, helping promote cultural change through awareness-raising and staff training.

On ISO 50001 and decarbonisation

Obtaining certification under ISO 50001 implies that organisations implement a series of procedures that allow the establishment of an energy policy and the optimisation of energy management through identifying those activities with the highest energy consumption and the corresponding plan of measures for their reduction. In this way, the energy consumption of the installations and systems is minimised in an integrated manner, maximising their energy efficiency, with the consequent economic savings and reduced GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions.

Because of this, ISO 50001 certification allows Sando to have detailed energy flow analysis and consumption models to improve energy efficiency, allowing cost savings and a significant reduction of its carbon footprint. In this way, the company contributes to SDG 7, “Affordable and Clean Energy” and SDG 13 “Climate Action” of the United Nations.

La actualidad de Sando

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