Sando Construcción entra en el Ranking de Empresas por la Igualdad en el número 29, la única constructora del país

Sando Construcción enters the Corporate Equality Index at number 29, the only construction company in the country

Woman Foward recognises Sando’s equality performance in the second edition of its national ranking

the Woman Forward Foundation presented Sando’s CEO, Esther Sánchez Manzano, with the distinction that accredits the company’s inclusion in the Corporate Equality Index. Sando Construcción is ranked 29th nationally and is the only construction company in the country to be part of it.

The 2nd Edition of the Corporate Equality Index recognises the work that companies and their CEOs carry out in this area, engaging in a commitment to Sustainability, competitiveness and strategic alignment.

The awards ceremony took place at the Botín Foundation headquarters. A ceremony led by the president of the Woman Forward Foundation, Mirian Izquierdo, in which other companies such as AENA, Garrigues, Serunion, Loreal, Leroy Merlín, Ecoembes, Bayer and Caixabank were recognised.

Sando’s commitment to equality

The Sando Group’s commitment to equal opportunities governs the company’s business and governance model. It is reflected in the equality policies and plans approved and in force. In this way, equality acts as a cross-cutting pillar in the corporate sustainability strategy. It aligns the people management system with the contribution to SDG 5, “Gender Equality” of the United Nations, specifically target 5.c: “Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable laws to promote gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls at all levels”.

As part of this strategy, the Sando Group has increased the number of women in the company by 5% in the last year, adding new female talent to a workforce that now numbers more than 2,000 employees.

Sando Construcción, which this year marks its 50th anniversary, aims, together with the rest of the business group, to achieve a balanced participation and representation of women in the company, in which there is no discrimination based on gender, race, ideology, physical or mental condition or social origin.

Throughout the year, the company develops various awareness programs, such as the ‘Women and Engineering’ project, together with the Royal Academy of Engineering, to promote the inclusion of women in STEM careers, or participates through the Sando Fundación in the promotion of women’s sports, such as with the Mairena Volleyball Club or the NovaCártama Table Tennis Club, among others.

About the Woman Foward Foundation

It is a non-profit institution that promotes women’s empowerment, gender equality and diversity. Women and men committed to civil society, willing to join forces to promote women’s leadership, increasing the participation and influence of women in social and economic decision-making spheres. In addition to this Corporate Equality Index, it carries out national studies, such as ‘Men’s perception of equality in Spanish companies’

or the elaboration of this ranking, the Woman Forward Foundation has communicated that it has used the data of the Corporate Equality Index, which evaluates different areas of equality: personnel search, selection and recruitment, promotion, salary retribution, co-responsibility and sexual harassment measures, as well as the percentage of gender diversity in top decision-making positions. The results are intended to indicate which areas need to be changed and what can be done to improve equality management in organisations. In terms of participation by company size, there are approximately 50% large companies compared to 50% SMEs, with a predominance of the banking and insurance financial sector.

In the picture: Nina Tercero Coca, Director of Human Resources at Sando; Esther Sánchez Manzano, CEO of Sando, and Jorge Medina Aznar, trustee of the Woman Forward Foundation and Non-Executive Chairman of Bankinter Gestión de Activos.

La actualidad de Sando

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