The Project has obtained the R&D&I Certification awarded by EQA (European Quality Assurance)
The Sando group of companies has designed a methodology and a new system for the execution of trench shoring. It is a mobile structure that protects operators and equipment located inside against landslides, thus minimizing the impact on the environment and ensuring a more efficient execution. The project has obtained the R&D&I certification awarded by EQA (European Quality Assurance).
This R&D&I project implementation, so called Portable Shoring Cart, represents a great advance in the research of new alternatives to support vertical cuts in excavations. This solution has been proposed in order to guarantee the safety during the execution of the ducting works carried out in open-air trenches in urban areas. At the same time, it considerably reduces the execution times of the works with the subsequent cost savings that go with it.
Shoring is a sort of temporary containment structure, commonly used in construction and civil engineering, for instance, in digging trenches. It is formed by wooden or metal structures and rectangular plates of variable dimensions. However, there has not been a major breakthrough in the design of technological R&D&I solutions related to complete and reliable construction methods or their design.
The Portable Shoring Cart has been designed using a practical, simple and quick to install structure encompassing a rolling system formed by two swiveling front wheels and fixed back wheels. For the movement of the protection carts, metal wheels are used, attached to profiles that make up a metal frame of the assembly. This solution enables the movement along the trench without the need for assembly and installation tasks to be repeated.
For the project development, in the first place, an analysis of the constructive process and of the potential alternatives was conducted; afterwards, the portable shoring system and the structure’s design was carried out, and, finally, a prototype was tested on site for its validation.
This project is intended to prevent and avoid any kind of incident or accident due to landslides inside the excavations, as well as minimize it during the erection and installation of such protective equipment, which is always erected and prepared outside the excavation area itself. The applied technology allows to reduce both erection and execution times, and, besides, it eliminates the loading and unloading of shoring equipment, so that costs are lowered while output is increased.
This project is in line with the R&D&I policy of the Sando group of companies, which seeks to invest in technological solutions that facilitate the execution of works, increasing quality and efficiency and safeguarding the safety of its professionals.
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