The Association of Civil Engineers of the Madrid Region has held the 14th edition of its Annual Awards at the Real Casa de Correos. In this edition, the “Best Public Works of 2021” award was given to to a project executed by Sando, the “Project for the Expansion of the Gran Vía Station of the Madrid Metropolitan Railway. Structures for Connection with Cercanías (Commuter Train Network) and Accessibility” is a huge renovation project that makes station gold stand for the future of Madrid underground.
Jaime Rodríguez Donnelly collected the award for Sando and Project Management. We are proud to have participated in this project that modernises and makes the city of Madrid and its community more sustainable.
The station configuration with two terminals, Gran Vía and Sol, is a highly complex project technically speaking and one of the most ambitious in recent years, with the joint collaboration of Adif and Metro de Madrid. Thanks to the new connection with Cercanías Renfe and Metro in Sol, 22,000 more passengers per day are expected, reaching 66,000 users.
Best Public Work in Andalusia
This is the first time Sando has received the award to the “Best Public Works of 2021” from the Madrid Association of Civil Engineers. This award joins the one awarded in 2021 to Sando for the execution of the Best Public Work in Andalusia for the construction of the Malaga Metro.
In this way, Sando continues to carry out large-scale and complex geotechnical works in the main Spanish capitals, as was the case in Barcelona with the construction of the three new emergency exits for the new emergency exits in the Sants-La Sagrera. Both actions are examples of Sando’s ongoing commitment to innovation.
New in this edition, a “Special Award to Civil Society” was presented to recognise the actions of anonymous citizens and workers of different services in the Filomena snowstorm, where Sando also provided assistance during the difficult times experienced by the community.