El Caminito del Rey opens its doors tomorrow Friday under the management of SANDO-Salzillo-Mundo Temporary Joint Venture
The Caminito del Rey opens its doors tomorrow, Friday 17 December, under the new management of the Sando-Salzillo-Mundo Management Temporary Joint Venture, under the agreement formalised on 7 December, by which it will also manage the Visitor Reception Centre and the car park, which will be operational in the next few weeks.
Sando was in charge of the rehabilitation works of the Caminito del Rey costing 2.2 million euros. This project was carried out in record time, ten months. It was exemplary in terms of safety measures, despite the difficulty and danger of vertical work at great heights that had to be carried out. An innovative technique was also used to reconstruct the critical points of the route. El Caminito del Rey opened to the public on 28 March 2015. For one year, Sando was responsible for managing the entrance, access control, and visitor escort services.
In fact, Sando’s experience in these projects has become a reference model for complex vertical works carried out on Roads and paths that run along cliffs, slopes or ravines.
The rehabilitation of the Caminito del Rey has received great recognition, winning numerous awards, including one of the distinctions of the 3rd National ‘Ciudad y Territorio Albert Serratosa’ (‘City and Territory Albert Serratosa’), founded by the College of Civil Engineers and the Caminos Foundation. It also received three Europa Nostra Awards, the highest award in heritage, and honours at the 13th Spanish Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, the 10th Ibero-American Architecture Biennial, and the Architecture Prize at the Archmarathon in Milan. El Caminito del Rey is currently a candidate for the UNESCO World Heritage Site nomination.
In this new era, the Sando-Salzillo-Mundo joint venture is looking forward to revitalising the area around El Caminito del Rey and adding value to each of its resources.
Tickets are 10 euros, and the opening hours are from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
The general admission ticket price remains unchanged at 10 euros, and the opening hours are from 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Tickets until 25 February can be purchased at www.caminitodelrey.info
After inspection, maintenance and repair work to open with maximum safety guarantees, the Caminito del Rey will resume its activity tomorrow with uninterrupted opening hours from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., from Tuesday to Sunday, maintaining the same admission price (10 euros) and with the possibility of hiring guided tours (18 euros), with accredited guides belonging to companies in the area.
Tickets from 17 December to 25 February are available at www.caminitodelrey.info. Exceptionally, on Mondays 20 and 27 December and 3 January, it will be open to coincide with the Christmas period. A total of 1,100 people can visit the walkway per day.
El Caminito del Rey will guarantee all anti-Covid safety measures as before, which earned it the distinction ‘Prepared against Covid’ by the Secretary of State for Tourism within the Integral System of Spanish Tourist Quality in Destinations.