The new runway occupies almost two million square metres
The construction of the second runway at Malaga Airport – Costa del Sol – was carried out by ACCIONA and SANDO – and was officially opened this morning by the Minister for Public Works, Ana Pastor.
The new infrastructure extends over 1,980,000 m2, of which some 860,000 m2 make up the paved aeronautical area. 65,000m3 tonnes of concrete and 600,000 tonnes of bituminous mix were needed for the flexible runway surface.
It comprises a runway which is 2,750 metres long in total from threshold to threshold (fixed aeronautical points), with an extra 340 m at the top, 30 metres for the take-off run to be used by the heaviest aircraft; a taxiway parallel to the whole length of the runway; four runway access Roads and five runway exit roads (three of them for emergency exit, and two roads which connect with the existing airfield). There is also an aircraft parking platform with capacity for 27 aircraft.
Due to the size of this infrastructure, it has been necessary to carry out other important complementary construction work, such as altering the channelling of the river Guadalhorce for a stretch of 1,500 metres; a flyover over the new channelling of the Ciriano and Bienquerido streams; the construction of three false Tunnels to prevent service vehicles from crossing and interfering with aircraft traffic; a network of service galleries measuring approximately 9,500 metres in length, or the underpass tunnel for the line pertaining to the Malaga to Fuengirola suburban train.
Both companies, ACCIONA and SANDO, have participated in the principal projects which are part of Malaga´s Planning Scheme. SANDO carried out the construction of the Airport Terminal building T3, along with the project development and access routes; the South Central Electric; and the extension of the East Zone Platform. ACCIONA carried out the provisional access routes (1.6 km of roads, of which 400 m were underground), the new airport parking building P1, (with 7 parking levels); the P3 parking block, the new Bus Station, the nucleus for Communications between the Airport Terminal Station (Arrivals) and Departures and the Connecting Footway between the nucleus and the various Parking Buildings. Besides constructing the new runway, ACCIONA and SANDO, as UTE (Temporary Union of Companies), built the New Railway Station and the underground Passageway for handling vehicles.
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