The exhibition, which can be seen at the MUPAM until 25 October, is the result of a cycle of art therapy workshops held with the support of the Sando Fundación.
The Rafael Pérez Estrada Foundation inaugurated ‘Interpretarte. Rafael Pérez Estrada’, an exhibition that presents the works done by people with special needs, inspired by the drawings and poems of the writer, illustrator and lawyer from Malaga. The works, on display until 25 October, are the result of a series of art therapy workshops held with the support of the Sando Fundación under an agreement signed in 2019.
The City Councillor for Culture of the Malaga City Council, Noelia Losada; the General Manager of the Sando Fundación, Esther Sánchez Manzano; and the Manager of the Rafael Pérez Estrada Foundation, Ana Cabello; presented the exhibition, designed and executed by Art & Museum, in the MUPAM Assembly Hall.
Part of the programme ‘The Demiurge. Creative Laboratory’, between October and December of last year this museum and cultural management company from Malaga gave six workshops to people with reduced mobility or special educational needs from three different centres: the La Traíña de El Palo Association, the Infant-Juvenile Mental Health Unit of the Materno Infantil (USMIJ) and the Dulce Nombre de María Psychopedagogical Institute. These sessions were aimed at promoting artistic education and creativity as a therapy to improve health and wellbeing and to introduce the figure of Rafael Pérez Estrada in order to encourage their imagination and creativity, taking the ingenuity of the Malaga artist as a model.
Thus, in ‘Interpretarte. Rafael Pérez Estrada’ you can see a selection of the works created by 74 participants using mixed techniques such as drawing and collage, as well as three large murals (200 x 150 centimetres) created jointly and based on three works by Pérez Estrada: ‘La mujer del espantapájaros sueña lunas’ (1994), ‘El barquito de mayo’ (1984) and ‘Sin título’ (1987).
The different artistic techniques used by Rafael Pérez Estrada in his works have been shown and some of the recurrent themes in the work of the Malaga author have been taken during the sessions. They have also dealt with his poetic facet with the game ‘One word, one verse’ in which each participant chose three random words extracted from the ´perezestradiano´ literary ‘corpus’, composing a verse with them and, at the same time, illustrating it; or, on the contrary, creating a drawing with them and then compose a verse.
“This experience has been extremely rewarding, the participants have unleashed their imagination and have made the infinite worlds of Rafael Pérez Estrada their own,” explained the Councillor for Culture. The result can be seen in this exhibition, “where the colour, light and imagination are exhibited that, during several sessions, were appropriated by the students who have taken part in this project,” concluded Noelia Losada.
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