Althenia has published the data of the tree inventory it carried out in the Madrid town of Coslada with the Town Council. The final report shows that there are 15,000 units in Roads and urban parks and more than 40,000 in forest parks.
As the Coslada Town Council has communicated, the results of the tree inventory show that the town doubles the ratio of trees per inhabitant recommended by the World Health Organisation. Specifically, Coslada has one tree for every 1.5 inhabitants.
Althenia has carried out an action plan in Coslada to find out more precisely the state of health of the trees. This work has been carried out as part of the municipal tree inspection, conservation and maintenance service contract.
In this regard, Althenia has compiled information on each specimen using a computer application. The study provides the necessary data to regenerate trees in poor condition, have better control, and reduce the risks of broken branches and uprooted trees.
Complete tree inventory
The inventory of roadside trees and trees in parks and gardens showed more than 100 species, the most numerous being the Siberian elm and the pine, fast-growing and resistant specimens.
As part of its R&D&I policy, Althenia applies the results of its research projects directly and indirectly to the services it manages. In this regard, Althenia has just started the Serveco project. This system will validate the influence of urban forestry on atmospheric pollution, climate change, and, in general, on improving environmental comfort to make cities more habitable.