In line with its commitment to energy efficiency, Sando Materiales has installed solar photovoltaic panels at its Andemosa concrete plant in Villa Rosa. Specifically, 56 solar panels with a nominal power of 22,960 Wp have been installed, generating an annual production of 29,500 kWh of energy.
This action, which responds to energy saving and efficiency objectives, is part of Sando’s commitment to contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy, implementing Sustainability solutions that enable the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2), the leading cause of climate change.
In line with this commitment, Sando Materiales integrates efficient circular economy techniques in all its plants to obtain sustainable materials. These techniques consist of recycling unused Waste material from all concrete plants to produce aggregates that can be used to construct road base and sub-base layers.
About the Villa Rosa concrete plant
The Villa Rosa concrete plant can generate 80 cubic metres of concrete every hour. To provide top-quality materials, its facilities have management systems that implement rigorous requirements that have enabled it to obtain: the Officially Recognised Quality Mark (DCOR) 079/000151 for concrete, according to the Structural Code (RD 470/2021); the Officially Recognised Mark (DOR) 079/000151 for concrete, according to the Structural Concrete Instruction, the EHE-08 (RD 1247/2008); AENOR Sustainable Product Mark (Ns Mark) 079/000206 for concrete; the Certificate of Conformity of the Control of Production of Concretes Manufactured in Central E07/000098, according to RD 163/2019; and the Certificate of Conformity of the Control of Production in Factory 0099/CPR/A69/0477 for the CE Marking of Designed Mortar for masonry, according to the EN 998-2 standard:2016.
Committed to decarbonisation
In the current climate emergency, the primary mitigation measure is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2), the leading cause of climate change, as much as possible.
Aware of this shared challenge, Sando plays an active role in contributing to the 2030 Agenda, both in the integration of sustainability in facilities such as Villa Rosa and through the promotion, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of 100% renewable energy generating facilities and plants (electricity and process heat).