The consortium for the “LAS Roads” project has successfully presented its results to the CTA and is putting forward a second project based on drones
While working on a project backed by the Andalusia Technology Corporation (CTA) and the IDEA Agency, Sando, Stereocarto and Leica Geosystems have developed a topographical and cartographical system for data management using laser sensors, both airborne and on the ground, in order to apply them to civil engineering projects.
The consortium of companies which makes up the “LAS ROADS” project has presented the final results of its investigation to the CTA at the ADIF Railway Technology Centre in Andalusia’s Technology Park in Malaga, where Sando has set up its main investigative laboratory.
The LAS ROADS project consists of “Developing a system to extract useful information from data collected by airborne and laser sensors on the ground relating to civil engineering work”. For two years, the consortium comprising Stereocarto, Leica Geosystems and headed by Sando, has carried out tests using laser technology relating to the field of civil engineering.
The project received financial support granted by the CTA, partly funded by the Andalusian Autonomous Government´s Department for Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment, and the Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness. The Geomatic and Graphic Information group and the Topometric and Photogrammetric Systems group from the University of Jaen have also taken part in the project.
The main objective of the “LAS ROADS” project was to develop and implement methods for improving the procedures for collecting topographical and cartographical data needed for civil engineering infrastructure. To undertake the project, some of the latest technology has been used during the last two years, such as special digital cameras, Lidar airborne sensors, laser systems capable of scanning the ground and mobile cartographical systems (Mobile Mapping Systems).
Analysis of data, collected from various technological systems used on the Company’s actual construction sites and at the ADIF base’s experimental facilities in Antequera, Malaga, has enabled them to assess the behaviour of different measuring systems.
The project has concluded that the technology using laser scans is valid for creating a cartographical base for any type of project, although it should be backed using image capturing. The downside is the high financial cost of the equipment. However, the mobile cartographic system (Mobile Mapping Systems) is economical and, at the same time, a very useful piece of equipment.
Furthermore, evidence shows that the Lidar aerial system provides aerial photogrammetric support and gives totally valid precision for earth movement monitoring, much needed for civil engineering projects.
Relying on conventional aircraft to obtain aerial data and problems arising with the availability of such aircraft opened the door for the use of drones. Thanks to these experiments, Sando uses unmanned vehicles, UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones for its construction projects and the Company has initiated procedures for developing another project based on this technology and as a continuation of the “LAS ROADS” project which will be named “UAV-ROADS”.
The second most important objective of this project was to create an information tool capable of processing data, almost in real time, with the required accuracy for civil engineering infrastructure. The result of this objective is the “LAS-ROADS V.1” software, a development specifically using true algorithmic for managing data collected from tested technological systems and which allows this type of data to be used.
The “LAS ROADS” project has led to a significant increase in quality for Sando in the field of I+D+i (Investigation, Development and Innovation), and has enabled the Company to expand its investigative role. This I+D+i Management System has been validated by AENOR with certificate number 166002. Currently, the group of companies are working on three investigative projects and have another five projects in the pipeline.
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