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Further training

Further training

The company’s philosophy and commitment, inherent to its responsible and sustainable management model, is to ensure and promote continuous people training.

Talent is the main asset of any company, so investing in training can stimulate professional growth, increase people’s commitment and motivation, improve working environments and foster the development of organisations.

Training plans are a precious instrument for programming and organising professionals’ learning, competence development, qualification and retraining.

To this end, and as part of these continuous training plans, we have a training platform where each professional can choose the training they need to increase their competence, which is selected by them or encouraged as part of the needs identified to improve the professional’s role.

We know that the knowledge and acquisition of new skills will help the professional develop their career and boost the company by increasing productivity and competitiveness.

It is this continuous training in competencies and skills, both technical and managerial and relational, that helps us adapt to sectoral and market changes, turn our strengths into a competitive advantage, improve our quality in the delivery of works and services, increase pride and sense of belonging, and consequently improve people’s job satisfaction.

Teamwork, collaboration and results orientation are at the core of our culture. For this reason, we are committed to boosting team dynamics through lifelong learning, both technically and in terms of new ways and methods of working that stimulate the production of ideas and improve execution, enabling professionals to take on responsibilities, make decisions and solve problems.

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People are at the heart of our corporate culture. Our regulations and our will to manage are based on our commitment to equality, equal opportunities, the promotion of safe and friendly spaces in which to work, our commitment to talent, whatever its sign or identity, and the search for and identification not only of merit but also of talent and skills as a criterion for selection and promotion.

We seek and appreciate talent and want our employees to contribute knowledge, enthusiasm, drive, innovation, and ideas to our values, making our mission their own and sharing our vision.

It is increasingly important to have policies that enable true internal talent management and attract talent in the market. It implies having plans that act at all stages of the employee’s growth (journey) to attract the best people, to have development and growth actions in the organisation, and to have tools for motivation and, therefore, for retention.

Talent management policies should focus on assisting and enhancing talent development as a mechanism for developing and training the organisation’s leaders of tomorrow.

We certainly believe in this human resources management, far beyond traditional administrative management. For us, people are the company’s driving force, and they are not mere collaborators. They are professionals who contribute knowledge and experience to the production processes, involvement, and commitment. We want the professionals who work at Sando to be the most fervent ambassadors for the brand.

That is why our business strategy includes talent recruitment and development plans that involve the entire organisation.

Performance evaluation, management by objectives, and identification of training needs, among others, are tools that accompany our talent management to achieve our strategic goals regarding people.

We work daily to improve our cities and environment, providing innovative solutions in infrastructures and services that build a more sustainable world.

To do this, we need people like you, with commitment and enthusiasm, who want to achieve a better world, join the challenge of sustainability and diversity, and help us maintain this spirit.

You are important to us. At Sando, we welcome you, and you will be part of our great team from the very first day of your career.

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Sando News

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, presidente ejecutivo de Sando, presenta en la sede de CEOE el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro

El presidente ejecutivo de Sando, Luis Sánchez Manzano, ha presentado en la sede de CEOE el libro conmemorativo del 50 Aniversario de la constitución de la empresa, Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro, acompañado por el presidente de CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, y el presidente de la Confederación Nacional de la Construcción, Pedro Fernández Alén.

Luis Sánchez Manzano, presidente ejecutivo de Sando, presenta en la sede de CEOE el libro Sando, 50 años construyendo futuro

El Cabildo de La Gomera ha aprobado la renovación de la prestación del servicio de mantenimiento y conservación de carreteras que lleva a cabo Conacon Sando en la isla. Una prórroga que permitirá la continuidad del servicio hasta 2026 con una inversión de 4,4 millones de euros, como ha anunciado el propio Cabildo.

Conacon Sando renews the road maintenance service in La Gomera until 2026

La Dirección General de política Forestal y Biodiversidad de la Consejería de Sostenibilidad, Medio Ambiente y Economía Azul ha adjudicado a Althenia Sando un nuevo contrato por el que llevará a cabo tratamientos selvícolas preventivos y de mejora en los montes del Espacio Natural de Sierra Nevada, en Granada.

Althenia Sando will carry out preventive forestry treatments in the Sierra Nevada

Conacon Sando construirá, en UTEm una gasinera para el Consorcio para la gestión de los Residuos Sólidos de Asturias (COGERSA) en Asturias.

Conacon Sando to build a gas plant for COGERSA in Asturias

El Ayuntamiento de Bormujos ha encargado a Conacon Sando los trabajos de reparación y mejora de la accesibilidad en zonas de acerado y diferentes infraestructuras del espacio público del término municipal de Bormujos, Sevilla. 

Conacon Sando will improve the accessibility of the Bormujos road system

Sando Construcción está acometiendo las obras de reforma integral de dos edificios en el centro de Jerez de la Frontera para transformarlos en un hotel de cuatro estrellas. Un proyecto de la Fundación Cajasol que se ubica entre la plaza del Arenal y calle Lancería y en calle Larga 54.

Sando Construcción to build a new four-star hotel in the centre of Jerez de la Frontera

El Caminito del Rey se ha situado a la vanguardia internacional en la investigación y gestión de la seguridad en turismo activo gracias a un estudio desarrollado por las universidades de Granada y Jaén y el Instituto Geológico y Minero de España-CSIC. Este proyecto sitúa al Caminito del Rey en el más alto nivel de investigación sobre desprendimientos de rocas en el ámbito internacional.

El Caminito del Rey publishes a pioneering international study on rockfalls

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Further training

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