Aljarafe Central Complex

Name of the service:

Aljarafe Central Complex

Contracting body: Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo del Ayuntamiento de Mairena de Aljarafe (Mairena de Aljarafe Town Council).

The project consists of the building of the Ciudad Expo Transport Interchange in Mairena del Aljarafe. A macro-project that seeks to modify the physiognomy of the municipality with a business centre, an underground car park for almost 1,500 parking spaces and a large public square.

Aljarafe Central, as it has been finally named, combines the space in a diaphanous way and incorporates the new interchange without breaking with the surroundings. It creates an original point for recreation and business, and at the same time offers a transport service with a single station for the Metro and buses, as well as a taxi rank and a car park on three levels.

Above the modern Interchange will be a large public square destined to become the green lung of the city. A space of 16,000 square metres that Grupo Sando has ceded to Mairena Town Council free of charge. This new area, destined to become the next nerve centre of the town, will incorporate a two-storey commercial leisure building with shops and cafés.

Next to the square and above the interchange, a business centre is being built, with two monumental fifteen-storey glass towers. Both towers are connected with a common area on the first two levels, which will also house a Convention Centre. One of the two buildings will be used for offices. The second one houses a hotel, with a top floor covered to incorporate a swimming pool and a cafeteria from which to enjoy a panoramic view of the Aljarafe.

The project is based on the different studies that have analysed the whole of the cityspan, with the aim of seeking correct traffic management and providing a unified image of all the facilities.


Guarantee of project success.

Sando Construcción

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