Botanical-Historical Garden of La Concepción

Name of the service:

Conservation and maintenance service of the green spaces of the Botanical-Historical Garden of La Concepcion

Contracting authority: Malaga City Council

The conservation and maintenance service for the green spaces of the Botanical-Historical Garden of La Concepción is a special contract due to its unique environment and particular characteristics, requiring more staff and dedication. The total area covered by the service is 137,475 m2 of garden, excluding forest areas. Althenia Sando provides the service with specialised operators and an arborist technician. It also includes the necessary material means, such as machinery and electric vehicles, to reduce pollutant emissions and noise on the site.

Actions in detail

Althenia maintains the green spaces of the Botanical-Historical Garden of La Concepción, including preventive and corrective maintenance, repair and replacement of any installed element. In this respect, it deals with furniture, irrigation systems and water collection. It also preserves the existing pavements on the interior roads.

The garden, recognised in 1943 as a “historic-artistic garden”, covers 3.5 hectares. Its principal value lies in its characteristic topography, its intact layout and the collection of subtropical flora it houses. Around it is the botanical garden, where the plant collections are organised according to scientific criteria.


Guarantee of project success.

Althenia Sando

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