Canales de zonas regables de Granada

Canals in irrigable areas of Granada

Canals in irrigable areas of Granada

Name of work:

Improvement of existing canals in irrigable areas of general state interest in the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation to promote savings, efficiency and sustainability in the use of water resources, lot 4: Granada area.

Contracting authority: Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation

The Granada irrigation area canals project consists of work to improve water use efficiency for irrigation in the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir in the province of Granada.

The project’s main objective is to ensure both ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of water works of general interest, promoting savings and improving water distribution.

Among the actions that Sando Agua carries out in the canals are various works aimed at preventing the reduction of water leaks through actions such as: the installation of new waterproofing elements, treating existing joints, the repair of cracks detected, or the structural repair of sections that have lost their original section.

The canals to be worked on within the framework of the project are: the Cacín Canal, the Franceses Canal, the Albolote Canal, the Colomera Canal, the Cubillas Canal, the Guadalentín irrigable area Canal, the Jabalcón Canal and the San Clemente canal.


Guarantee of project success.

Sando Agua

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