Acuerdo marco de conservación en Centros Sanitarios de Córdoba y Sevilla

Framework agreement for the conservation of health centres in Cordoba and Seville

Framework agreement for the conservation of health centres in Cordoba and Seville

Name of work:

Framework Agreement for the Conservation of Health Centres

Contracting authority: Andalusian Health Service

As a company specialising in health infrastructures, it has signed framework agreements for maintaining infrastructures in different provinces, including the framework agreements with health centres in Cordoba and Seville.

In Cordoba, the framework agreement for conservation in Health Centres covers the repair, restoration, rehabilitation and preservation of buildings, plots and facilities of the health centres attached to the Cordoba Health Logistics Platform. In addition, emergency work is being carried out within this agreement: Refurbishment and extension of the ICU and MRI at the Valle de los Pedroches Hospital in Pozoblanco.

In Seville, the framework agreement for conservation in health centres covers repair, restoration, refurbishment and conservation work on the buildings and facilities of the centres attached to the Seville Health Logistics Platform.

The management of services complementary to hospital activity and the construction and equipping of the different healthcare facilities require the participation of companies specialised in this type of activity.

Among the actions carried out in this division are projects for constructing specialised spaces such as operating theatres, intensive care units, waiting rooms, resuscitation rooms, or complementary facilities such as kitchens, canteens or laboratories as well as cleaning and disinfection work, comprehensive maintenance and energy efficiency. Through executing these contracts, Sando contributes to improving the quality of patient care, providing professionals with state-of-the-art healthcare infrastructures adapted to their needs.

Sando has also carried out various actions in healthcare facilities within the framework of the Framework Agreement of the Malaga East Healthcare Area.


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