Improving accessibility to the Cubaba neighbourhood

Improving accessibility to the Cubaba neighbourhood

Name of the service:

Improvement of accessibility to the Cubaba neighbourhood, Vallehermoso municipality

Contracting authority: Vallehermoso Town Hall

The accessibility improvement project in the Cubaba neighbourhood covers a length of 1,625 linear metres, extending from the Ermita de Santa Lucía, at the intersection with the paved road to Tazo, to the area known as “Viradero de Cubaba”.

Among the actions to be carried out in this project are, firstly, the demolition of the first 5 metres of the track to be cut, followed by excavation activities, cleaning up and adding granular material up to the project level so that no lateral steps are left on the esplanade.

A 20-centimetre layer of concrete is placed on the esplanade, distributed in a first layer of concrete with electro-welded mesh and mixed with polypropylene fibres. A second layer, also composed of polypropylene fibres, which acts as a wearing course. In this second layer, inorganic colouring pigments are poured and mixed with the rest of the concrete components to form a homogeneous, lump-free mass to achieve a colour that blends in with the surroundings.

Among other actions to improve accessibility in the Cubaba neighbourhood, retaining walls of cyclopean concrete, pipes made of galvanised corrugated steel pipe, and water collection chambers made of mass concrete are also being built. A mixed safety barrier of treated Scots pine and steel, or a 1.1 metre-high metal railing in residential areas, will also be installed.

For collecting and discharging surface runoff water, rainwater gratings class D400 are installed with their corresponding gutter, walls, and floor slabs of mass concrete.


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