Modernización de luminarias en carreteras de Jaén

Modernisation of road lighting in Jaén

Jaén (Andalusia)

Modernisation of road lighting in Jaén

Name of the contract:

Improving the energy efficiency of different luminaire installations using renewable energies.

Contracting authority: Consejería de Fomento, Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government)

The project to modernise road lighting in Jaén aims to improve road lighting in the province of Jaén using renewable energy. This is a construction project to optimise energy efficiency in different parts of the province by modernising the luminaires. Conacon Sando installs new luminaires and replaces conventional ones with new renewable energy sources. The project’s solar luminaires are equipped with photovoltaic modules and an energy storage and management system that will make it possible to illuminate these sections with photovoltaic solar energy.

This action to modernise road lighting in Jaén directly impacts energy consumption and the carbon footprint of roads, contributing to an actual reduction in CO2 emissions. The work carried out by Conacon Sando is acting on a total installed power of 37 kW, which translates into a visible energy quantity of 5,376,197 lumens.


Guarantee of project success.

Conacon Sando

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