Instalación solar fotovoltaica, Comunidad de Regantes Andévalo Pedro Arco

Photovoltaic solar installation, Comunidad de Regantes Andévalo Pedro Arco

Huelva (Andalusia)

Photovoltaic solar installation, Comunidad de Regantes Andévalo Pedro Arco

Name of the contract:

Self-consumption photovoltaic solar installation, Comunidad de Regantes Andévalo Pedro Arco.

Contracting authority: State-owned company SEIASA

The self-consumption photovoltaic solar installation project aims to improve energy efficiency in irrigation and reduce grid electricity consumption. This project is located in the west of the province of Huelva, on land managed by the Andévalo Pedro Arco Irrigation Community. One of the novel aspects of this project lies in the construction of floating photovoltaic plants, which, in addition to energy efficiency, will improve the performance of solar photovoltaic energy production, reduce evaporation losses from the water body and reduce eutrophication in the irrigation pond. The solar panels will be superimposed on floating polyethenes.

Self-consumption photovoltaic solar installation

Conacon Sando will install three solar photovoltaic plants, one with 899 kWp peak power, one with 190 kWp peak power and one with 1,633 kWp peakpower. The latter comprises a 369 kWp floating solar PV subplant and a second 1,264 kWp ground-mounted subplant. The floor slabs are installed on a fixed structure with predrilling (mechanical insertion of profiles), while the raft installation will be on floating polyethene structures.

The three solar plants will have auxiliary installations, emphasising the use of solar inverters to operate the existing pumping stations, CCTV, security and surveillance systems, communications and remote control systems, inverters, and the aforementioned solar inverters.


Guarantee of project success.

Conacon Sando

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