Red de recarga para vehículos eléctricos en la Isla de la Gomera

Charging network for electric vehicles on the island of La Gomera

La Gomera (Canary Islands)
recharging points for plug-in electric vehicles

Charging network for electric vehicles on the island of La Gomera

Name of the contract:

Red de recarga para vehículos eléctricos en la Isla de la Gomera

Contracting authority: Island Council of La Gomera

The island of La Gomera has a new charging network for electric vehicles. The project includes construction and maintenance works to serve the six municipalities.

It is an energy initiative that provides the island with the necessary infrastructure to implement electric vehicles. A total of 18 recharging points are created. The agreement reached with the six municipalities by the Cabildo provides an electric charging point in each municipality, except Vallehermoso, which will have an additional one in Chipude and another in the recreational area of La Laguna Grande.

The two charging modes available – 22kW and 50kW – allow a charging time between two hours and fifty minutes for approximately 500 kilometres, depending on the vehicle model.


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Conacon Sando

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