In addition to green and forest conservation solutions, Sando Althenia conducts environmental works for its customers. The main objective of these works is the protection of the natural environment, seeking balance in the ecosystems and excellence in the provision of the service for the subsequent enjoyment of the spaces by the public.
The basic foundation of Sando’s relationship with its customers is to consolidate and increase their overall satisfaction, to which end it is committed to continuously improving the effectiveness of its quality system. Althenia Sando has therefore designed an Environmental and Energy Management System under the reference standards: UNE EN ISO 14001:2015 and UNE EN ISO 50001:2018 and undertakes to implement, maintain and update it with the appropriate frequency, transmitting and disseminating the commitment acquired at all levels and to all parties linked to the organisation, through communication and awareness-raising in the application of energy efficiency and care for the environment.
Among the most frequent actions carried out by Althenia Sando are: the cleaning and restoration of streams and riverbeds; the sealing and revegetation of landfills; the environmental recovery of degraded areas; and the creation of recreational areas and the installation of urban furniture.
As a company specialising in environmental services, it carries out works to promote biodiversity, such as planting shrubs and trees of native species, enabling the native and protected fauna of an area, with the installation of bird observatories or nesting boxes, or the protection, restoration and revegetation of slopes, with the construction of breakwater walls, hydroseeding, or the installation of fibre mesh.
It also uses sustainable materials that integrate with the landscape in all the activities carried out in each project phase. . Thus, in projects such as roads and footpaths, the company uses aggregates that allow for proper drainage, wooden elements (fences, wooden walkways, signposts or logs) and masonry construction.