Construction and refurbishment of offices

Office buildings are the spaces where companies’ business activities are carried out. They must have architecture, engineering, installations and interior design following the activities’ functionality and the number of people who occupy them.

The current trend in office construction is to move away from traditional offices with offices to build open-plan offices with shared spaces to facilitate creativity and communication between departments so that better synergies, relationships between colleagues and collaborative work arise.

This philosophy marks office construction companies and makes office space a fundamental asset in the company as a way of attracting and retaining talent, and forms part of the company’s image and philosophy. . For this reason, current trends also include the need to adapt to the needs of having a physical space concerning teleworking in companies, reaching solutions such as the implementation of coworking buildings to attract companies or freelancers who, in general, move around with their work and who need a small space to work but which offers them all services included.

Sando Construcción, a company with five decades of experience as an office construction company, has executed new buildings and refurbishments of complete buildings or specific floors for numerous clients. Each focuses on refurbishing and renovating existing buildings in city centres that seek to breathe new life into buildings, bring them to the market and reposition them as new offices.

These projects, now called brownfileds also have Breeam or Leed sustainable certifications, in which great care is taken over the interior design, installations and energy efficiency. Special attention is paid to the materials used to achieve the best comfort for the workers, emphasising sustainability and reducing energy consumption with improvements in air conditioning systems, air renewal, lighting, etc.

Sando Construcción applies the results of its research and innovation projects to office construction projects. . It provides technical solutions that generate added value in the office construction process, incorporating technology and know-how to streamline and implement the project efficiently and sustainably.

Construcción y reforma de oficinas

Construction and refurbishment of offices

Turning offices into meeting places for professionals

we tell you more
Innovation and research

We build and refurbish unique buildings using construction innovations developed in our research projects.

With five decades of experience in office construction, we have a long track record of exemplary performance that has enabled us to implement our innovations in the buildings we build.

In this way, at Sando Construcción, we provide our clients with technical solutions and materials that add significant value to the building, allowing them to achieve sustainable certifications such as Breeam or Leed.

related projects

Our experience

Sando Construcción se encarga de los trabajos de rehabilitación del edificio integral del pabellón 12 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Hospitality and Educational

Refurbishment of Pavilion 12 of the Carlos III Health Institute

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando construye el nuevo edificio que actúa como ampliación del Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid, en Alcalá de Henares.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Alcalá de Henares Archaeological Museum

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando Construcción construye el Intercambiador de Transportes de Ciudad Expo en el complejo Aljarafe Center en Sevilla.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Aljarafe Central Complex

Seville (Andalusia)
El mantenimiento de viales en l bahía de Algeciras abarca distintas actuaciones en los puertos de la Autoridad Portuaria.
Promenades and public spaces

Maintenance of roads in the Bay of Algeciras

Algeciras (Andalusia)
Sando Construcción realiza la reforma y ampliación del Hospital de Día Onco-Hematológico del Hospital Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga.

Hospital Virgen de la Victoria

Cártama (Andalusia)
Hospital Quirón Marbella

Hospital de Quirónsalud en Marbella

Marbella (Andalusia)
Conacon Sando se encarga del mantenimiento del viario de Bormujos en Sevilla, con acciones para la mejora de la accesibilidad.
Promenades and public spaces

Bormujos Road Maintenance

Seville (Andalusia)
Rehabilitación del edificio del Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, situado en el Paseo de la Castellana 44 Madrid.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Consorcio Seguros Building Castellana 44

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando Construcción ejecuta las nuevas instalaciones logísticas de Mayoral Moda Infantil en el polígono industrial Intelhorce, en Málaga.
Industrial and logistics

Mayoral’s logistics facilities in Malaga

Cártama (Andalusia)
Edificio Velázquez
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Velázquez Building

Madrid (Community of Madrid)

News Innovation

Sando Construcción entra en el Ranking de Empresas por la Igualdad en el número 29, la única constructora del país

Sando Construcción enters the Corporate Equality Index at number 29, the only construction company in the country

Althenia, solutions for decarbonization and CO2 neutralization

Sando y Sando Agua están desarrollando en un proyecto de I+D+i un sistema con Inteligencia Artificial (IA) para el mantenimiento predictivo

Sando applies AI to the predictive maintenance of wastewater treatment plants

Althenia Sando está especializada en la gestión de residuos industriales, con servicios de recogida, transporte, tratamiento y reciclaje.

Althenia Sando, specialising in the integrated management of industrial waste

ANDEMOSA obtains the following DCOR and DSOR quality and sustainability labels for the manufacture of concrete

Sando construcción, especializada en la ejecución de infraestructuras sanitarias, inicia las primeras remodelaciones del Hospital Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga. La obra, con un presupuesto de 4 millones de euros, consiste en la reforma y ampliación del Hospital de Día Onco-Hematológico, que permitirá duplicar la capacidad de atención médica a los pacientes oncológicos.

Sando Construcción begins the refurbishment of the Virgen de la Victoria Hospital in Malaga

Sando Construcción realiza una obra ferroviaria para ADIF AV para la conexión de la línea Burgos-Vitoria por más de 27,5 millones de euros.

Sando Construcción carries out the railway works for the AVE Burgos-Vitoria high-speed train connection in Alava

Sando Construcción ejecutará la urbanización del sector 4 de Tórtola de Henares por 12,4 millones de euros

Sando Construcción to carry out the urban development of sector 4 in Tórtola de Henares for 12.4 million euros

specialized brands

Guarantee of success

Conacon Sando

Sando Construcción