Transport and mobility

Transport and mobility infrastructures are the elements and structures that allow the movement of people, vehicles and goods through the flow and proper functioning of the public and private transport circulation system. Transport and mobility are inherent concepts, but although both refer to the same thing, the movement of people and goods in the territory, mobility and transport are not synonymous.

This includes constructing and maintaining roads, motorways, tunnels and flyovers, and the corresponding elements that provide proper road safety, such as road signs. These asphalting and intelligent systems ensure safer, more efficient and sustainable roads. These are therefore essential infrastructures for the sustainable development of the territory. .

The current conception of transport and mobility aims to understand transport as the means to move people and things from one place to another and mobility as the movement of people or goods in a given territory to satisfy the population’s needs.

Transport and mobility concept

We could say that transport is the material component of mobility linked to the technical means of travel (infrastructure and modes of transport). Mobility is mainly based on the effectiveness, efficiency, and performance of transport systems from a social (service quality and experience), economic, and environmental point of view.

The viability of transport and mobility infrastructures depends on adequate mobility knowledge, i.e., the population’s current and future movement needs.

Sando Construcción, for the sustainable execution of infrastructures, and Conacon Sando, for efficient conservation and maintenance, can solve society’s needs in transport and mobility with the engineering projects they carry out.

An excellent sustainable mobility infrastructure must have an integrated network of transport systems that covers the entire territory and meets the mobility needs of the population in optimal conditions of safety and at the lowest possible economic and environmental cost.

These infrastructures are made up of all types of transport networks connected, including structures such as roads, urban roads, highways, motorways, motorways, railways, metro, airports, ports, canals, airport and maritime terminals, bus, metro and railway stations, intermodal stations, etc. In addition, land transport networks have unique structures such as tunnels, viaducts, bridges, overpasses, and underpasses to overcome geographical obstacles and allow intersections and connections between them.

Transport infrastructures form a complex network that is an essential backbone of the territory. . The construction and, above all, the conservation and maintenance of these infrastructures are critical activities for sustainable territorial development, as they maintain the connections between different points, guaranteeing and promoting mobility between them.

People’s needs and consumption habits are changing, as is how they move. The commitment to continuous technological advances and the development of R&D&i allows the infrastructure to adapt the infrastructure to new demands.

Sustainable mobility is a transport model that respects the planet, prioritises improving the quality of urban life and the well-being of people, and creates spaces that favour citizen coexistence and the exchange and transport of goods.

These sustainable infrastructures are characterised by applying the principles of the circular economy in their design, construction and maintenance. On the one hand, by developing new, more sustainable and resistant materials, promoting the use of recycled and reused materials, and avoiding the use of natural resources, and, on the other hand, by prioritising the most environmentally friendly modes of transport on each route. Constant technological innovation, both in constructing and maintaining infrastructures, and in means of transport and fuels, is also helping to move towards decarbonisation of the sector.

Sando Construcción and Conacon Sando are committed to sustainable mobility models. We apply our technical capacity and experience to construct and maintain safe, efficient and environmentally friendly infrastructures to each project we develop.

transporte y movilidad

Transport and mobility

construction and maintenance solutions for the transport network

we tell you more

Transport solutions for a safe and connected future

We provide construction and maintenance services for transport structures such as roads and tunnels, using high-quality materials and state-of-the-art technology We install intelligent systems specialised in road safety to provide maximum traffic safety. Sando Construcción develops sustainable infrastructures, and Conacon Sando manages conservation.


Our Specialisations in transport and mobility

carreteras autovia polonia
transport infrastructure


Asphalting and pavement maintenance

Asphalting and pavement maintenance

transport infrastructure

Signalling, beacons and defences

transport infrastructure

intelligent systems and traffic safety

transport infrastructure

tunnels and mobility structures

related projects

Our experience in Transportation Infrastructures

Sando Construcción se encarga de los trabajos de rehabilitación del edificio integral del pabellón 12 del Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
Hospitality and Educational

Refurbishment of Pavilion 12 of the Carlos III Health Institute

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando construye el nuevo edificio que actúa como ampliación del Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid, en Alcalá de Henares.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Alcalá de Henares Archaeological Museum

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando Construcción construye el Intercambiador de Transportes de Ciudad Expo en el complejo Aljarafe Center en Sevilla.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Aljarafe Central Complex

Seville (Andalusia)
El mantenimiento de viales en l bahía de Algeciras abarca distintas actuaciones en los puertos de la Autoridad Portuaria.
Promenades and public spaces

Maintenance of roads in the Bay of Algeciras

Algeciras (Andalusia)
Sando Construcción realiza la reforma y ampliación del Hospital de Día Onco-Hematológico del Hospital Virgen de la Victoria de Málaga.

Hospital Virgen de la Victoria

Cártama (Andalusia)
Hospital Quirón Marbella

Hospital de Quirónsalud en Marbella

Marbella (Andalusia)
Conacon Sando se encarga del mantenimiento del viario de Bormujos en Sevilla, con acciones para la mejora de la accesibilidad.
Promenades and public spaces

Bormujos Road Maintenance

Seville (Andalusia)
Rehabilitación del edificio del Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, situado en el Paseo de la Castellana 44 Madrid.
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Consorcio Seguros Building Castellana 44

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
Sando Construcción ejecuta las nuevas instalaciones logísticas de Mayoral Moda Infantil en el polígono industrial Intelhorce, en Málaga.
Industrial and logistics

Mayoral’s logistics facilities in Malaga

Cártama (Andalusia)
Edificio Velázquez
Construction and refurbishment of offices

Velázquez Building

Madrid (Community of Madrid)
outstanding figures

5,7 M €

Invested in Corporate Social Responsibility



professional staff


23,3 M €

invested in research


News Infrastructures

Sando Construcción entra en el Ranking de Empresas por la Igualdad en el número 29, la única constructora del país

Sando Construcción enters the Corporate Equality Index at number 29, the only construction company in the country

Se ha inaugurado el nuevo tramo del Corredor Verde construido por Sando en Pizarra. Un proyecto para la recuperación del río Guadalhorce.

Inauguration of the Green Corridor between Pizarra and La Vega Hipólito

Sando realiza la construcción de la EDAR de Basaurbe en Llodio para la Confederación Hidrográfica del Cantábrico (CHC).

Sando builds the Basaurbe WWTP in the Basque Country to serve the population of Llodio

La Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla ha encargado a Sando las primeras obras del tranvibús por 20,7 millones de euros.

Sando to build the new Seville Tramway

Sando will build the new police station in the Eastern District of Cordoba

La planta de hormigón de Villa Rosa instala placas solares fotovoltaicas como medida de eficiencia energética.

Villa Rosa concrete plant goes for energy efficiency

ANDEMOSA obtains the following DCOR and DSOR quality and sustainability labels for the manufacture of concrete

Sando Construcción ha comenzado las labores de remodelación de la Unidad de Hospitalización Breve de Salud Mental en el Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Un espacio que suma 1.000 metros cuadrados dotado de 14 habitaciones de uso individual o doble, con una inversión por parte de la Junta de Andalucía de 1,4 millones de euros.

Sando Construcción begins work on the Mental Health area of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital

specialized brands

Guarantee of success

Conacon Sando

Sando Construcción